Signed Song Teaching Video


It's harvest festival time and we have the perfect song for your celebrations this term!

Let's Harvest is ideal for key stage 2 children (and upper key stage 1)

NB- if you're outside the UK, that means children over 7 years old will easily sing this song, younger children will be able to sing the chorus and first two verses, the 3rd verse may be a little too challenging. Having said that, I've been to infant schools where the children have totally rocked all the names of the fruit and veg in verse 3 with no problems!

The teaching video is below, play the whole thing to your children before teaching them the song - they will pick it up quickly . You can use play and pause to get them to sing each section back to you. Teaching notes will give you all the info you need. We also have the chords/words and sheet music for piano accompaniment.

If you want to swap out the last line about wine, see the lyric sheet for the alternative words.

Please register this song with CCLI when you sing it [CCLI Song ID: 7149896] if your school is not yet registered all the info you need is HERE. It is free and won't cost your school anything, but it will ensure we receive the royalties that help us to make more songs and keep offering you free resources like this! (We're a not-for-profit!)

Thanks, let us know what you think of Let's Harvest in the comments below!

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Happy Harvest!

Al & The Go Kid Music team

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