CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing Limited)

Whenever songs are performed or played, the songwriter is eligible to receive royalties. This makes up a large part of any songwriter's income.

If songs are played on the radio or TV the MCPS collects their royalties, if they play live at a concert the PRS collects their royalties.

When songs are sung in school or church the CCLI collects the royalties and pays the songwriters. This stands for 'Christian Copyright Licensing Limited'.

At Go Kid Music we rely on receiving royalties as a large percentage of our revenue. We're a tiny not-for-profit independent organisation and our revenue goes back into expanding what we do.

I'm then able to write more songs and children are able to sing more great songs in school and at home! Teachers are able to use more songs in teaching- and so it goes on!

We have now registered all of our songs with CCLI.

The good news is that your school does not pay the royalties, and even your licence fee is paid by the government (if you're state funded).

All you need to do is register for a Collective Worship Copyright License (CWCL) which allows you to report all the songs you sing in assembly, the classroom, church or anywhere else! (Please note that the website refers mainly to 'worship' and church-based 'services', but this also applies to any singing you do in school and does not have to be religious in any way.)

How does it work?

Schools can sing in assemblies without a licence. However, when you reproduce the lyrics or musical scores (display words on a screen or play a teaching video with subtitles, or a lyric video) you have to have a licence.

Permission is also required to produce song sheets, copy sheet music, or project song words for pupils to sing and perform.

CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing Limited) licences provide that permission on behalf of the songwriters/publishers whose songs are used in assemblies.

This reduces the cost and admin of copyright on schools, and ensures that songwriters (like me!) are fairly paid for the use of their work. 

What do you have to do?

Firstly, you will need to obtain your Collective Worship Copyright License, which is free for all state-funded schools.

  • Join your School (you only need your school's Unique Reference Number (URN). Your school may well already have an account so you can search your school name.

Once you’ve got your licence, you need to report which songs you’ve used and how often you’ve used them.

  • It is important to report the songs regularly. It is up to you how often you wish to do this, but we recommend not leaving it beyond a whole term. Half-termly or monthly is better.

  • There are two reporting periods for CCLI: The Spring/Summer period is between 1st April and 30th September. The Autumn/Winter period is between 1st October and 31st March. We can send you your school's usage towards the end of each of these periods so you can check you have registered all the songs during those times - just ask.

  • To report, visit and sign in to your CCLI account. Search the song by name/ID and choose the correct song from the list by clicking the REPORT button next to that song.

  • We have added the song ID next to each song title, and have a downloadable sheet with all our song titles and ID codes at the bottom of this page.

  • Report how you’ve used the song and how many times. For our songs you will have most likely used it "digitally". That means displaying the words or video on a screen for the children.

  • There is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to report HERE

  • CCLI have a really good customer service phone service and are happy to help schools with any queries: Mon-Fri 9-4pm 01323 436100

Image shows smartboard in classroom with AL Start from Go Kid Music on screen and little green alien in foreground
Encourage Singing for All

When you display the words or a signing video with the subtitles, you help more children engage in singing. This is great for wellbeing, inclusion and creative learning.

image shows Al Start from Go Kid Music leading a singing assembly with children
Support Creativity

By reporting the songs you use, you are boosting our creativity! We can earn royalties and continue to make more fantastic songs for learning.

image with red stamp reading
Comply with the Law

Copyright Law is there to protect your school and the artists and writers who work hard to create songs. Please take the time to report the songs you sing in school.

Please do email us at [email protected] or call us on 07808 269780